We know the big moments or decisions that change our life – marriage, children, illness, loss. But often we don’t consider the power behind other moments. How we respond to smaller incidents can be defining, too.
We all have them. Those small incidents, chance remarks, or simple decisions that change the fabric of our motivation, perspective, or fortitude. An encouraging word. A rejection. An evaluation. An argument. A missed opportunity.
These moments can change how we see ourselves, building or diminishing our confidence, or defeating or engaging our spirit.
Accepting an opinion as fact or a rejection as limiting, without self-reflection or additional feedback can diminish your potential and derail your efforts. Bottom-line? Some defining moments strengthen you; some don’t. But not all moments we consider defining moments, should be.
I’ve had my share of defining moments and lesser moments I treated that way. And what I learned along the way is this: we decide which moments are defining for our life. We choose to attach significance or let them go. And the older I get, the more I choose the latter.
You can find more of my musings in the “Previous Work Archive: In the Scheme of Things ITSOTArchive (nanrussell.com); Winning at Working WWArchive (nanrussell.com)