Nan Russell
Jan 10, 2013
Questions build self-awareness
One of the reasons titleless leaders get results where others don't is because they're self-aware. They cultivate an inner skill of standing back and considering how their thoughts, words, and actions impact others, and themselves.
Want to increase your skill of self-awareness? Try asking yourself questions like these:
Ben Franklin's evening question, "What good have I done today?"
Before telling a workplace tale, consider if your intention is positive or negative by asking, "Why am I telling this story, anyway?"
When asked to serve on a committee or attend a meeting consider, "How can I contribute here? What skills do I bring? How can I help?"
Before getting angry, frustrated, or escalating a situation ask "In the scheme of things, will this matter? In a week, six months, a year?"
When you need something from someone ask, "How can I make it easier for you to get me what I need?"
Actions may speak loader than words, but words are a backdrop of how actions are measured. "Is there alignment between what I say and what I do?"
What we expect is often what we find. "What beliefs or expectations do I have about this person? This generation? Which of my beliefs get in my way?"
Titleless leaders understand that to be effective in the new workplace, they must go beyond the traditionally focused outer work of building skills and know-how. Their success depends on something more -- the addition of the inner-work to cultivate self-awareness. Not getting the results you'd like? Self-awareness is good place to start.