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Nan Russell

Jun 20, 2012

3 Secrets to Getting Results, No Matter Your Role

Titleless leaders recognize getting results when you're not the boss takes a different kind of know-how, grounded in best-of-self approaches.

Whether you're an administrative assistant asked to coordinate a company-wide initiative, a project manager trying to influence progress, or an independent specialist working with ad hoc groups and outside suppliers, use these titleless leader secrets to get results:

1. Make it easy to see

Painting words pictures is a common titleless leader approach. When others can "see" what results you're after, it helps them deliver what you need. When you control the vision, not the process, and help others picture what's needed, they can more easily do it. If you tell me that I need to "communicate more" with you on a project, what does that mean? How will I know if I'm communicating enough? We may have very different ideas of what these words mean. What kind of information do you want? How frequently? Help me "see" what you need and you'll be more likely to get it.

2. Make it easier for others

A common mistake is approaching it backwards. We tend to make it easier for us, not others when we need something. But titleless leaders do the opposite - they make it easier for the person they need something from. Have to get a quote for a press release from a busy manager? Draft two alternatives they can choose from or tweak. Need a status update from a teammate? Don't make them comply with a predesigned format that's easier for you. Let them give their update in whatever fashion they want (text, voice or email mail, at the gym, over lunch, walking to a meeting, social media, from a surrogate). Smooth their path.

3. Make it ego-detached

Titleless leaders are oriented towards what they can give, not get; how they can serve others, not demand from others; how they can help, not hinder, what needs to be done. They operate beyond self-interest so they can contribute to the whole. That service-orientation is grounded in a mental job description that reads, "other duties, as needed," not "other duties, as assigned." When you're focused on how best you can contribute to or serve the results-getting process, you're not focused on roles or titles, but outcomes. Making it ego-detached requires high self-esteem and confidence.

Want better results? Use these titleless leader secrets. From the boardroom to the PTA, you'll discover getting results happen faster and easier when you make doing it see-able, easier for others, and ego-detached. More tips in The Titleless Leader.

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